My Writing Journey

Writing To Be Read

Why do you write?

Well, for some, it is to allow feelings to be released. For others, it is part and parcel of their job.

And for authors, it is because you have stories we wish to tell, and share with the world.

Now, anyone could write away and create a tale which they send off out into the big wide book world.

It’s possible.

Self-publishing platforms have made it that simple. As long as you have access to a computer, you can write, download and press Publish, and that’s it.

You are a published author.

Plenty of writers out there have done that. There are over one million titles published worldwide, every year.

And if you have been trying, you know it is nearly impossible to land a traditional publishing deal. So, that’s where self-publishing, or independently publishing comes in.

But how many of those books that are self-published are successful?

If you market right, you’ll make some sales, then your book might get buried under the waves of newer books hitting the shelves.

There are some authors, though, who have smashed the Indie Author market.

And it’s not just by some fluke. (Maybe it is sometimes. I’ll name no names, but there are a few self-published books over the years that have become huge, yet the writing leaves a lot to be desired! But I digress…)

Those writers spend time on their books. They don’t just churn out reams of text, give it a quick glance, then press that Publish button.

They write, and reread, then write again. They use the eyes of beta readers as well as editors, to help their book baby grow. They take time to create a world within their book that will transport a reader. They want the cover to attract you. They want the blurb to hook you and reel you in. These writers want you to become fully immersed in their story. They want you to be thinking of the characters, long after you reach The End.

They want you to think of them; of buying any future books they may write.

They want you to want to read their books.

That’s why I write; to be read.

In my heart, I know my story is worth telling (fictional, not my life story!) I know it is a tale that would be enjoyed, providing I give it all the love and attention it requires.

That’s what the last few weeks have been about.

Reading, rewriting, getting feedback.

It’s taken me nearly 20 years to get to this stage, you know. That’s how much I believe in my story.

When I reached the last page, after this final set of revisions, I felt ready to send the manuscript out to my team of Beta Readers, and that’s where my book baby lies right now.

I sit here, nervously awaiting feedback now.

Will my baby be ready to be set free in the literary world?

61 thoughts on “Writing To Be Read”

  1. Anything worth doing is worth doing well. This is what my dad always said. You will be happy that you spent a good amount of time working on your book. We should all write to be read. I am reading a book right now that is riddled with errors. A good story but hard to get past the mistakes.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. This is exactly what I want to avoid, Darlene. I also am fully aware that what I write won’t appeal to everyone, but I want whoever it does appeal to, to enjoy it! ❤

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You are welcome Ritu. I find you in the Reader, no matter which blog you use. I needed to remove all the emails years ago, because I followed so many blogs, that my mailbox was drowning. So now I find all in the Reader.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m hoping that when my book is finally ready, one day in the future, that Mr or Mrs / Miss Agent loves it. I want my book in Waterstones!
    Being realistic though it may end up doing battle with self published..
    There’s so much that goes into this and it’s so hard. I have read good self published, others I can see why traditional Agent refused and others where the author has not paid an editor.
    Right now I’ve just finished reading G.X Todd Defender, her debut novel. It is very bloody and gruesome, but reading it you can see why Headline published her.. her writing is incredible. She is giving me some ideas and no I’m not about to write a blood bath. I read it and think, I want to write like her.. however I’m me and all I can do is my best.
    What I’m trying to say is, there’s a good novel and a good novel.. this whole writing process is very hard and alot of work! You are doing amazing Ritu! X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think we’d all love to see our books on a shelf in a big bookstore!
      And there’s no reason why an indie author can’t achieve that either! EL James and her Fifty shades series started as a self published venture!

      We can do this!


  3. How much weight did you gain carrying this baby for twenty years? That’s going to be some massive labor pain delivering that baby, 😊. But seriously Ritu, that’s some tenacity. Wish you all the best and hope for a smooth delivery and a healthy baby, oops book. Healthy book? Nah! A seriously funny engaging book. And once the book is released, it’s back to belly dancing practice. Clock is ticking😂.
    All the best Ritu.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Go Rituuuuu!!

    You have sooo many fans around the world. This may have taken 20 years to get to this point, but it is going to be worth it when we all love your story.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s so hard, but so important, to pull back, to stop… and rewrite. And rewrite again before sending your book out there.
    Good luck, Ritu.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I appreciate the simplicity of stating that you write because you want to be read. That is the point, right? Best of luck with your book. You must have felt so relieved to get it all wrapped up and pass it on.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not a complex person, Rhonda, so my thoughts are always simple and straight forward, though the journey take to get to my goals ends up more complicated! 😄
      It was a huge relief, but you know, there is always something you can improve…
      I’m already doing it again, after some preliminary feedback!

      Liked by 1 person

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