Marriage Unarranged, My Writing Journey

Words – They Don’t Always Come Easy (+ A Birthday Sale!

Well, it’s been a little while since I posted on here, and I apologise for that, to start off with.

Life, over the last eighteen months has been kinda surreal, for us all, and I know it has taken its toll on me, in so many ways.

I’ve been battling through the understanding of remote teaching and learning in school, what with the closures.

I’ve become a master at organising mass covid testing in the house, what with two teens and me needing twice-weekly tests.

I got promoted, which, though is a wonderful boost to the ego, comes with its own fair share of ‘AAAARGH! 😱’ moments. So now, on top of being the class teacher, I am responsible for the whoe EYFS unit, meaning two nursery classes, two reception classes, three other teachers, 8 Teaching Assistants, and four lunchtime supervisors. And we are in the midst of change within the department, due to a new Government Framework change Oh, and the Ofsted threat looms heavily, this year, because we are due!

And my son had his GCSEs this summer, which was a stress in itself.

Then we moved house. You know the score.

What’s this got to do with words?

So much.

Because since I have had all the above to deal with, it has been nigh on impossible to have the energy and time to write what I want to be writing. And, to be honest, the last few months, I didn’t want to.

I seemed to have fallen out of love with my story.

And with reading.

And that was a biggie. Here is me, usually reading 5-10 books a month, barely finishing them because I couldn’t even get into these wonderful fictional worlds.

However, reading was the thing I needed to get my head round. Reading books gives me the inspiration I need, to get back to writing. And the last month has seen me read just shy of twenty books!

One was a book with some content similar to the theme I am writing about, and as I read it, I began to ruminate. Through my mind, thoughts ran, along the lines of “I think I can do better than this. No, I KNOW I can do better than this.”

And I did open my manuscript.

I didn’t write much, but I tweaked, and I also found a whole new sub plot to add to the story.

Then I reread the beginnings of another story I had begun to write in the first lockdown. And a skeleton plan of a third.

And I looked at the cover for this one I am writing now, to spur me on.

Words want to come out now. That’s a feeling I haven’t had for a long while.

Now, it’s just finding that balance, betweem, the new commute (we moved a little further away from my work, and the kids school), work itself, and the kids after school commitments.

I have no excuses. I am even blessed to have a whole writing room now, in the new house, complete with reading nook! Here’s some photos of my special space.

Wish me luck. I hope many more words flow in here!

And on to the sale…

As it’s my birthday week, Marriage Unarranged is discounted for the next five days on and!

Birthday week Sale!

#MarriageUnarranged is 99p/c for the next five days!

Monday 30th August, until Friday 3rd September.

If you fancy a little spice in the end of your summer reading, because, let’s be honest,it’s getting a tad cold out there, be sure to download it, and I’ll consider it a birthday wish from you, to me, too!

‘Chickpea Curry’ Lit — Chick Lit with an Indian twist!

It all started/ended with that box…

Aashi’s life was all set.

Or so she thought.

Like in the Bollywood films, Ravi would woo her, charm her family and they’d get married and live happily ever after.

But then Aashi found the empty condom box…

Putting her ex-fiancé and her innocence behind her, Aashi embarks upon an enlightening journey, to another country, where vibrant memories are created, and unforgettable friendships forged.

Old images erased, new beginnings to explore.

And how can she forget the handsome stranger she meets?

A stranger who’s hiding something…

30 thoughts on “Words – They Don’t Always Come Easy (+ A Birthday Sale!”

      1. It is difficult for me, reading a book while working on one. I can barely read a whole page but get so inspired that I put the book down and instead go writing…. lol

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi Ritu – I’m glad you pulled yourself out of your reading and writing slump. I believe slumps and pauses are necessary, though. I think they give us new enthusiasm! Hope you are doing well in your busy life 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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